Ingame Interface

30/03/2012 12:24

This is what the ingame screen looks like. There are a number of UI (User Interface) elements that you should know about:

1 - This box shows match information. It shows the game time, ie how long the game has lasted, your Kills, Deaths and Assists (represented by the Knife, Skull and Hand). It also shows the FPS (Frames Per Second). The higher the FPS, the smoother the game runs. The bar next to FPS shows your latency, and the lower the latency the less lag you will have in game. Below is the Total Team Kills count for each team.

2 - The minimap shows an image of the map. You can check turret health by hovering over the turret icons for each team and see where your enemies and allies are. It is vital to know what is going on in the game at all times, so you should look at the minimap often. You can click on it to move your camera to that point of the map.

3 - In the middle of the screen is your skills and Health/Mana Bar. Each of your characters main skills is assigned to the letters Q, W, E, R, and the first three skills can be leveled up, as shown by the + above them. The two skills to the right are Summoner Spells that you choose before the game and have available to you at any time, providing they are off Cooldown. These are assigned by default to D and F. The icon on the far right is the Recall spell that teleports you back to your base, and the default shortcut is B. Below, the top green bar is your Champion Health. When it drops to zero, you die. The bottom bar is the resource your character uses to cast their skills, and these include Mana, Energy, Fury, or nothing if your character does not have a resource bar.

4 - This is your Champion Statistics (Stats) box. This shows an icon of the Champion you are playing, with six main stats displayed next to it. From top to bottom, it is Attack Damage (AD) - the damage you do with your characters auto attacks; Ability Power (AP) - the damage that is added to your Champions abilities; Attack Speed (AS) - how fast your Champion will attack with auto attacks, per second; Movement Speed (MS) - how fast your Champion moves; Armor - the amount of armor your Champion has, more armor means you take less damage from your enemies auto attacks; Magic Resistance (MR) - the amount of MR your champion has, more the MR you have the less damage you take from enemy Champions' Abilities. To the right, the 6 small boxes are slots for items you can purchase in the in-game shop, accessed by pressing the small green button below or pressing P, and the amount of Gold you currently have is shown below the slots. The bottom of the Stats box has your Champion name with the Experience Bar in the background. When the bar fills up you level up and gain additional stats.

5 - These 4 icons show the Health and Resource bars of other Champions on your team. You can click these icons to show you that Champions' stats box that gives you more information about them. If a Champion on your team is dead the timer until they respawn will be shown in their icon.

6 - These buttons allow you to view your Champions detailed statistics, the Options menu, the scoreboard and unlock your camera so that it does not follow your champion, if you prefer to play that way.


This is what the ingame shop looks like:

In this shop you can buy items for your Champion to make them stronger. On the left are the items in the shop; if they are highlighted you have enough gold to buy them. Below is your current inventory, which shows the items you currently have, and how many inventory spaces you have left. On the right side are the Recommended Items for the Champion you are playing. These are selected by RIOT Games, and show the items the game developers think you should buy to be effective. This is a convenient way to access the useful items. If you click on any item in the shop, the item appears below the Recommended Items, and shows the price as well as details of what the item does and what stats it increases. On the bottom is your current Gold as well as the Buy and Sell buttons, used to buy items in the shop or sell items from your inventory.


This is the ingame scoreboard:

For each player the scoreboard shows, from left to right: the Champion Icon and Level; Summoner Name and Champion name below; Summoner Spells the player has selected; items that the player has bought; the players Kill/Death/Assist statistic; the amount of AI-controlled Minions that the player killed. The scoreboard also shows the Total Team Kills, shown with the Green (for your team) and Red (for the enemy team) numbers.